Thursday, 24 January 2019

Stranger Things Narrative

1) Is the narrative structure linear (chronological) or fragmented? How?
Stranger Things is both linear and fragmented, whereby the events of the narrative occur in chronological order: Will cycling home; Will disappears; family and friends out looking for him; etc. Although, the addition of the flashback within the episode disturbs the narrative, making it more fragmented.

2)  How many different storylines are introduced in the first episode? What are they?

·         Will’s disappearance
·         Hopper and his past
·         Nancy and Steve

3)   How many events are resolved, or we might have some understanding of how they might be resolved, by the end of the first episode?

      Examples of events that are solved include when Nancy slams the door on Dustin’s face, and when Benny is shot. Whilst others, such as Will’s disappearance and how Hopper’s daughter died, still remain unsolved at the end of the episode.

4)  How many events are unresolved by the end of the episode? Which ones? 
·         What happened to Will

·         What happened to Hoppers daughter

·         What took the scientist in the lift

5)  Is the narrative open ended or is there full closure of the storylines introduced in the episode?

The narrative is open ended, as there are many separate storylines yet to be developed and resolved. Despite Benny’s storyline coming to an end, the main storyline involving Will’s disappearance is still unsolved at the end of the episode.

6) What is/are the main events/storylines that will help to drive the narrative across the season?

The main storyline, as previously stated, is the one involving Will Byers’ disappearance, which will help drive the narrative across the next episodes. Also, the storyline involving Eleven is another major storyline introduced within the first episode. 

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