I-They are resting on the fields, moving slowly-possibly in search for food.
S-it is set on a mildly cloudy day, on a field.
T-the theme of this picture is nature
N-geographical observations of birds
C-the birds
T-it has been taken at a low angle, where the birds are in the centre, with the light on the grass.
Overall, this image presents clear intentions of it being based on a geographical scene because the nature helps to highlight this. The use of birds, further implies it's focus is on birds, or animals in general. However, if I were to produce another geographical scene, I would ensure that the image is a close up, because at the moment the birds aren't easy to notice. Some people may focus on the green overflow that surrounds the birds in the middle.
D- In the two photos, we are both laughing at our phones.
I- This suggests something hilarious is happening, which highlights elements of a 'girly' chic flick.
S- again, these scenes have been set with a landscape background, where trees and a school building are in the distance.
T- the main theme of these images relates to chick flick and 'girly'.
N- it conveys ideas that the narrative is of two close friends, and suggest the film follows their lives
C- it's possible that the two girls in this freeze frame are the two main characters
T- both actors are female, wearing casual clothing, along with subtle hints of makeup. This further implies that the film is aimed at the females, or for people who enjoy Chic Flicks.
These two images help us identify a theme based around the lives of females, suggestive of a Chic Flick genre. However, some people may be misled into thinking it is a comedy, due to the laughter displayed in the photo. In order to improve, it would have been better to change the scenery one that relates and fits better with your typical 'girly' environment.
D-the two characters in these images are fighting one another.
I-The idea of fighting suggests the two characters are of opposing forces, in disagreement on something.
S-it is suggested the film is set both in the city, or a location featuring story buildings, along with settings in the open fields.
N- the freeze frames highlights an action based plot, featuring fighting scenes.
C- based on the two images shown, we can identify that there is both male and female characters in the film.
T-there is a mix of male and female roles, and the lighting has been used to inform us it is set during the day. One image shows there was a low camera angle, looking up at the actor, which creates emphasis on the concept of him being high up and about to jump.
Overall, both images allow us to note it is an action film, based on the fighting scene and the portrayal of a character jumping from a high rise building. To make the theme stand out even more, there could have been added props to create a better picture. If fighting equipment was added to the scenes, it would help create a better insight on the action that is taking place.
Excellent Aimee! I like the photos and your analysis.
ReplyDelete- keep this in mind in future tasks.